ItwasConeyIsland,theycalledConeyIslandtheplaygroundoftheworld.Therewasnoplacelikeit,inthewholeworld,likeConeyIslandwhenIwasayoungster.Noplaceintheworldlikeit,anditwassfabulous.Nowit'sshrunkdowntoalmostnothingyousee.And,Istillrememberinmymindhowthingsusedtobe,and,youknow,Ifeelverybad.Butpeoplefromallovertheworldcameherefromallovertheworld.Itwastheplaygroundtheycalledittheplaygroundoftheworldnedenhalenokumaktaısrarediyorsunanlamıyorumoverhere.Anyways,yousee,IyouknowIevengot,whenIwasverysmall,IevengotlostatConeyIsland,buttheyfoundmeheryazılanyazıanlamlıolmakzorundamıontheonthebeach.Andweusedtosleeponthebeachhere, "sleep" overnight.theydon'tdothatanymore.
Things changed, you see.
They don't "sleep" anymore on the beach.
Music for Idiot(s) - vol.IV (Part - 1)
Music for Idiot(s) - vol.IV (Part - 2)
01 - Grails - In the Beginning
02 - Meanwhile, Back In Communist Russia - Heatstroke
03 - (The) Slowest Runner (In All The World) - We, Burning Giraffes
04 - Our Ceasing Voice - Passenger Killed in Hit and Run
05 - Hadoken - Stations
06 - Ana Never - 30 Seconds of My Paste Life
07 - Shora - Parchelion
08 - Hṛṣṭa - ... and We Climb
09 - Mono - Yearning
10 - Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Sleep
11 - (Bonus Track) - Clint Mansell & Mogwai - Death Is the Road to Awe
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